40 Years of Alaska PFDs Adjusted for Inflation 💸 📈
Which year had the biggest PFD when adjusted for inflation?
Including the energy bonus of $662, the 2022 Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend of $3,284 is the largest nominal dividend in history. But the 2008 ($4,470) and 2000 ($3,343) dividends are larger when you compare the equivalent buying power by adjusting for inflation. See the full table below.
Six dividends are worth more than $3,000 in 2022 dollars. And the first ever dividend in 1982 is almost as big as the 2022 record dividend. I include the energy bonus in 2008 and 2022 in the calculations here.
This page describes historic Alaska Permanent Fund Dividends are when adjusted for inflation. And I wanted to practice making more Quarto documents The code used to calculate the 2022 values is included at the bottom of this page.
Alaska PFDs since 1982 (+ adjusted to August 2022 dollars)
BLS CPI All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
Alaska PFDs since 1982 (+ adjusted to August 2022 dollars)
BLS CPI All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
Alaska PFDs since 1982 (+ adjusted to August 2022 dollars)
BLS CPI All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
Top Alaska PFDs in 2022 Dollars | |||
Year | Nominal Dividend | Real (2022 Dollars) | Inflation $ |
2008 | $3,269 | $4,470 | $1,201 |
2000 | $1,964 | $3,343 | $1,379 |
2022 | $3,284 | $3,284 | $0 |
1999 | $1,770 | $3,116 | $1,347 |
2001 | $1,850 | $3,084 | $1,234 |
1982 | $1,000 | $3,016 | $2,016 |
1998 | $1,541 | $2,783 | $1,242 |
2015 | $2,072 | $2,580 | $508 |
2002 | $1,541 | $2,517 | $976 |
1997 | $1,297 | $2,376 | $1,080 |
2014 | $1,884 | $2,350 | $466 |
2007 | $1,654 | $2,345 | $691 |
1996 | $1,131 | $2,115 | $985 |
1990 | $953 | $2,113 | $1,161 |
1989 | $873 | $2,059 | $1,186 |
1988 | $827 | $2,038 | $1,211 |
1991 | $931 | $2,008 | $1,076 |
1994 | $984 | $1,949 | $965 |
1993 | $949 | $1,930 | $981 |
1992 | $916 | $1,913 | $997 |
1995 | $990 | $1,908 | $918 |
2018 | $1,600 | $1,874 | $274 |
2019 | $1,606 | $1,848 | $242 |
1987 | $708 | $1,819 | $1,111 |
2009 | $1,305 | $1,788 | $483 |
2003 | $1,108 | $1,773 | $666 |
2010 | $1,281 | $1,735 | $454 |
2006 | $1,107 | $1,625 | $518 |
2011 | $1,174 | $1,536 | $362 |
1986 | $556 | $1,494 | $937 |
2004 | $920 | $1,427 | $507 |
2017 | $1,100 | $1,321 | $221 |
2005 | $846 | $1,257 | $412 |
2016 | $1,022 | $1,252 | $230 |
2021 | $1,114 | $1,193 | $79 |
2013 | $900 | $1,141 | $241 |
1983 | $386 | $1,132 | $746 |
2020 | $992 | $1,128 | $136 |
2012 | $878 | $1,124 | $246 |
1985 | $404 | $1,101 | $697 |
1984 | $331 | $932 | $601 |
Inflation Calculation code:
Show the code
#| warning: false
#| message: false
# pfd source : https://pfd.alaska.gov/Division-Info/Summary-of-Applications-and-Payments
###CPI SOURCE: https://www.bls.gov/cpi/
# CPI for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) 1982-84=100 (Unadjusted) - CUUR0000SA0
# pfd_raw <- read_csv("data/20210925_pfd_amounts - Sheet1.csv")
# 2022
<- read_csv("data/20220906_pfd_amounts.csv")
<- read_xlsx("data/SeriesReport-20210925161329_ebdc42.xlsx", skip=10)
# https://beta.bls.gov/dataViewer/view/timeseries/CUUR0000SA0;jsessionid=91432F7B2E9664054BA15E11CE3D4AC9
# CPI for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
# Series Title : All items in U.S. city average, all urban consumers, not seasonally adjusted
# Series ID : CUUR0000SA0
# Seasonality : Not Seasonally Adjusted
# Survey Name : CPI for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)
# Measure Data Type : All items
# Area : U.S. city average
# Item : All items
<- read_xlsx("data/DataFinder-20220915202809.xlsx", skip=10) ### from
<- pfd_raw %>% clean_names()
<- pfd %>% select(dividend_year, dividend_amount)
pfd <- pfd %>% mutate (pfd_total = str_remove_all(dividend_amount, fixed("$")))
pfd <- pfd %>% mutate (pfd_total = str_remove_all(pfd_total, fixed(",")))
pfd <- pfd %>% mutate (pfd_total = as.numeric(pfd_total))
##############################clean up cpi######################
<- cpi_raw %>% clean_names()
cpi # View(cpi)
# cpi <- cpi %>% select(year, oct, aug)
# cpi <- cpi %>% mutate(cpi_index = oct)
<- cpi %>% mutate(date = ym(label))
<- cpi %>% mutate (cpi_index_2022 = 296.171)
<- cpi %>% mutate (cpi_ratio = observation_value/cpi_index_2022)
cpi <- cpi %>% mutate (year = as.numeric(year))
<- cpi %>% filter (period == "M10" | label == "2022 Aug")
# cpi <- cpi %>% mutate (cpi_index = ifelse(is.na(oct), aug, oct))
# cpi <- cpi %>% mutate (cpi_index_2021 = 273.567)
# cpi <- cpi %>% mutate (cpi_ratio = cpi_index_2021/cpi_index)
<- pfd %>% left_join(cpi_annual, by=c("dividend_year" = "year"))
pfd_cpi <- pfd_cpi %>% mutate (dividend_2022_dollars = dividend_amount/cpi_ratio)
# pfd_cpi <- pfd_cpi %>% mutate (pfd_amount_2021 = pfd_total*cpi_ratio)
# pfd_cpi1 <- pfd_cpi %>% mutate (pfd_amount_2021 = pfd_total*cpi_ratio)
##make two copoes for the plot
<- pfd_cpi %>% mutate(time =0, pfd_amount_plot = pfd_total)
pfd_cpi_original <- pfd_cpi %>% mutate(time = 1, pfd_amount_plot = dividend_2022_dollars)
<- rbind(pfd_cpi_original, pfd_cpi_adjusted)
<- pfd_cpi %>% mutate (inflation_addition = dividend_2022_dollars -pfd_total) pfd_cpi
Line/dot chart code
Show the code
#| warning: false
#| message: false
#| fig-height: 10
#| fig-width: 11
geom_line(aes(y= dividend_year, x = pfd_amount_plot, group= dividend_year ), color="#000000", alpha=.4)+
geom_point( data = pfd_cpi %>% filter (time ==0 ),aes(y= dividend_year, x=pfd_total ), color="#233B43", shape =21, stroke=2)+
geom_point(data = pfd_cpi %>% filter (time ==1), aes(y= dividend_year, x=dividend_2022_dollars ), shape=21,stroke=2, size=2, color="#3498db")+
geom_text( data = pfd_cpi %>% filter (time ==0 ),aes(x= pfd_total-150, y=dividend_year, label=paste0("'", substring(as.character(dividend_year) , 3,4) )), color="#233B43", size=4)+
# geom_text( data = pfd_cpi %>% filter (time ==0 ),aes(x= pfd_total-150, y=dividend_year, label= dividend_year ), color="#233B43", size=3.4, angle=45)+
# geom_text(data = pfd_cpi %>% filter (time ==1), aes(y= 1, x=pfd_amount_2021, label=dividend_year ), color="#3498db")+
# ggtitle("Alaska PFD Adjusted for Inflation", "PFD amounts set to September 2022 Dollars")+
# xlim(0,4400)+
scale_y_continuous(labels = NULL, breaks = c(0,1), labs(x = ""))+
scale_x_continuous( )+
scale_x_continuous(labels=scales::dollar_format(), breaks= seq(0, 5500, by = 1000))+
# scale_y_date( date_breaks = "4 years", date_labels = "%Y")+
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 15, face="bold"))
Bar chart code:
Show the code
ggplot(pfd_cpi %>% filter(time==1))+
# geom_col(aes(y = pfd_amount_plot , x =date, fill=time), alpha=.9, stat="identity" )
geom_col(aes(y = dividend_2022_dollars , x =date),fill="#3498db" , alpha=1, stat="identity" )+
geom_col(aes(y = pfd_total , x =date), fill="#233B43", alpha=1, stat="identity" )+
# geom_col(aes(y = inflation_addition , x =date), fill="#233B43", alpha=1, stat="identity" )+
# xlab("")+
# coord_flip()+
scale_x_date( date_breaks = "3 years", date_labels = "%Y")+
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 15, face="bold"))
# geom_col(aes(x=dividend_year, y = pfd_total), fill="red", alpha=.5)
Table code:
Show the code
#| warning: false
#| message: false
%>% filter (time==0) %>% arrange (desc(dividend_2022_dollars)) %>% select(-date, -cpi_index_2022, -label, -period, -pfd_total, -time, -pfd_amount_plot, -observation_value, -cpi_ratio) %>% gt() %>%
pfd_cpi fmt_currency(
columns = c("dividend_amount", "dividend_2022_dollars", "inflation_addition"),
currency = "USD",
decimals = 0
) cols_label(dividend_year = "Year",
dividend_amount = "Nominal Dividend",
dividend_2022_dollars = "Real (2022 Dollars)",
inflation_addition = "Inflation $"
) tab_header(title = md("**Top Alaska PFDs in 2022 Dollars**")) %>%
locations = cells_column_labels(columns = everything()),
style = list(
#Give a thick border below
cell_borders(sides = "bottom", weight = px(3)),
#Make text bold
cell_text(weight = "bold")
) tab_options(
#Remove border between column headers and title
column_labels.border.top.width = px(3),
column_labels.border.top.color = "transparent",
#Remove border around table
table.border.top.color = "transparent",
table.border.bottom.color = "transparent",
#Reduce the height of rows
data_row.padding = px(5),
#Adjust font sizes and alignment
source_notes.font.size = 12,
heading.align = "left"
) data_color(columns = "dividend_2022_dollars", color = c("#7bccc4", "#08589e" )) %>%
opt_all_caps() %>%
font = list(